I’ve reviewed Instashare previously, it’s an incredibly simple way for sharing files between iOS and Mac. And now, it’s time for Android.
Sharing files between devices – it’s a really simple and obvious thing which many of us do regularly. Yet it’s unnecessarily complex. There are many apps which fall in this category – Bump is a good example. But it needs a working internet connection and takes a lot of time for transferring big files.
Then there’s NFC, much simpler way to share files, although pretty limited considering that many phones of today don’t have it. Also, laptops/desktops obviously don’t have it. At last, there’s Bluetooth, it’s reliable and cross platform, excepting iOS devices.
Even Apple released AirDrop for iOS, at WWDC, but it’s pretty limited.
Instashare for Android
Instashare doesn’t have the problems you face while using Bump, or NFC, or Bluetooth. First, it’s really simple. You open the app on your phone, drag and drop a file and done. Secondly, it works via WiFi and Bluetooth – even on iPhones and iPads.
The Android app is pretty self explanatory, you just have to select Instashare in Android’s share intents menu and the file will then be visible in the app, ready to share with other devices.
There’s no limit what so ever, on file size or type. A Windows app is also on its way.
The app isn’t yet released on Play store, it’s in beta and you can request access for it.