Wednesday 24 July 2013

How To Cache Google Maps (v7.0) on Android

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
7-13 (4) (1)

Google Maps for Android was updated very recently, following Google’s announcement in May. The new look, though very appealing, lacked in a very basic, yet essential feature – offline caching of maps. The new app looks a lot like the iOS app. In fact, one could confuse them to be the same if one doesn’t look close enough. However, while the iOS app doesn’t support offline caching, the Android app did, once upon a time, though it was removed with the latest update yesterday.
Fortunately, less than 24 hours later, Google released another update (though a small one), bringing cached maps back to the new app (to read more about the new Google Maps, click here). Though, following the theme of Google Maps on iOS (and the theme that Google Maps for the computer will take on), Google didn’t want to add another button on the screen for consistency. Google did, however, find another was of doing it:
  1. Launch the Google Maps app.
  2. Tap the search bar on top.
  3. Go to the location you want to be cached.
  4. Tap the search bar on top again.
  5. Type in “okay maps” or “ok maps”.

Google Maps "Pre-Loading Map..."
This should do the trick. With this, you will see the words “Pre-loading map” on the top with a percentage, indicated how much of the map has been locally cached. This can prove to be useful, though impractical in most situations. I, for one, welcome any form of offline caching. The fact that the feature is back in itself is a big deal. If you enjoyed what you just read, then you can click here to view a list of articles by the same author(s). Till then, keep the comments rolling, swallow the red pill and accept this - thank you for reading, but our princess is in another castle!


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