Wednesday 24 July 2013

Android Spy Software *Free*

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Android Spy Software

I've noticed alot of people trying to find software to spy on mobile phonesso here they are these are completely free and actually do the job, but since they are free there are limitations.

Monitoring Software

Here's bosspy (I've used it) it logs pretty much everything but no recording which is a down fall, here's their website Bosspy

Here's Spy Your Love (I've not personally used it) but the reviews out there at the moment vote in good favor, the only thing is there are some serious limitations with this one but there is a cheap payed version. Here is their website Spy Your Love

Here's Droid Monitor this monitors the devices locations, calls & sms and can create PDF reports for later reading or evidence collecting.
Here's their website Droid Monitor

Here's a HF Tool Razstealer created by Raziel94 which can steal Whatsapp messages, SMS messages, Phones Call log, Contacts, Pictures & other personal info, Here's the original post RazStealer

I am just posting these for educational use I do not condone any illegal activity and will not be held responsible for what you do with these also their are tutorials on the respective sites/posts on how to use these tools so do not ask me how to use them.


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