Friday, 31 May 2013

YouTube Has One Billion Monthly Users Now

Friday, May 31, 2013

YouTube Has One Billion Monthly Users Now

YouTube has now become the most preferred video sharing platform with more than one billion active users every month.
YouTube’s team said that “If YouTube were a country, we’d be the third largest in the world after China and India. Nearly one out of every two people on the Internet visits YouTube.” The team said this in a blog post.
Further, the team added that “PSY (the South Korean rapper) and Madonna would have to repeat their Madison Square Garden performance in front of a packed house 200,000 more times. That’s a lot of Gangnam Style!”
The YouTube team also thanked its fan by saying that “From the aspiring filmmaker in his basement and the next great pop musician, to the fans all around the world who tune in, subscribe and share their favorite videos with the planet, thank you for making YouTube what it is today. You have truly created something special.


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