Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Working Airtel 2G/3G Proxy Trick for PC and Mobile

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
For mobile:
Account Name: any
Access point:
Proxy: enabled
Proxy IP:
Port: 80
Homepage: any working IP for airtel in your state.
(For Punjab and Delhi use

For PC:
For using this trick on PC you need to configure you Browser to use proxy ip. First of all Click on Tools menu from the menu bar.
Click on the options sub menu now click on the Advance menu,
Go to the Network tab and then Click on settings.
Here you go,
just write the Proxy IP and Port which is given above and click on use it for all protocols.
You are done with the configurations.
Just open the working homepage and Enjoy free internet.


  1. great bhai working good speed in my nokia 5233

  2. if you are planning to use your proxy as part of your daily browsing routine, it is probably best for you to consider buying a subscriptionof proxy so that you can acess your internet fastly with great speed.
    buy proxies
